Genetics play an important role to the way your hair looks and feels.
Do you have thick, resistant hair? ... Or are you always complaining about how thin and sensitive it is?
Chances are, these characteristics will be found in your parents and grandparents as well.
However, over the years, the quality of your hair may deteriorate due to health conditions, age and environmental factors.
Hair care products also influence the well-being of your hair but, even more important is a balanced diet that provides you with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Eating habits have changed a lot with time - we no longer eat the healthy kind of foods our parents and grandparents used to.
That's why food supplements have become more and more popular these days.
What regular food cannot supply can successfully be provided by additional products taken on a daily basis for a better development and maintenance of the human body.
But pills are not the only solution ...
Increase the quantity of vitamins and minerals you need daily by eating fruit and vegetables rich in these elements ...

Hair loss and missing vitamins - general

Vitamins A, C, E are all beneficial to the hair.
Let's see what effects each of them has, and which foods can provide them.
Vitamin A is an antioxidant that helps the scalp maintain its natural oils. Whole milk, eggs, liver, carrots, spinach, kale, and fortified foods are all important sources of Vitamin A.
Another powerful antioxidant is Vitamin C - found in citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, tomatoes, peppers, and broccoli. It has a notably positive effect on both the scalp and hair. Vitamin E - found in nuts, vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables, avocados, fortified foods - improves scalp circulation and stimulates hair growth.

Hair loss and missing vitamins - b group

The B group of vitamins is particularly beneficial to you hair:
 Vitamin B3, present in most meats - white or red - stimulates circulation.
Vitamins B5 and B6 are known to prevent hair loss. Whole grains, certain meats and eggs are good sources of these vitamins, and vitamin B6 is also found in some vegetables.
Vitamin B12 - another "hair-loss-fighter" - is present in eggs, liver, shellfish and milk.
hair loss and missing vitamins - minerals
Other elements that are vital to our hair can be found in regular foods which anyone can afford ...
Calcium - which helps hair growth - you'll find in good amounts in dairy products, nuts and beans.
Beef and whole wheat bread provide chromium - which regulates blood sugar levels and prevents hair loss.
 Copper - known to strengthen hair and thus prevent loss - can be found in shellfish, eggs, green vegetables, beans and chicken.
Lodine - present in seaweed, fish, garlic and, of course, iodized salt - fights against dry hair.
Magnesium, combined with calcium, also helps hair growth. It's found in whole grains, fish, green vegetables and nuts.
Potassium - supplied by bananas, brown rice, nuts, yoghurt, garlic, raisins and dried fruit - improves circulation and helps hair growth.
Selenium is good for a healthy scalp - so eat fish, whole grains and broccoli to get it! It can also be found in certain meats.
Silica and sulphur encourage stronger hair. Seafood, rice and green vegetables provide the former, while the latter can be found in garlic and onions, eggs, cheese, milk and fish.
To prevent dry hair and oily skin, eat mushrooms, spinach, red meat and whole grains - they contain zinc.
So, stock your cupboards with colorful, healthy food ... and improve the condition of your hair!
Remember, if you're under a lot of stress or suffer from lack of sleep, your hair is also likely to suffer ... and it's possible your diet will not provide enough vitamins and minerals to counter these effects.
During particularly stressful periods of your life, remedy hair loss and missing vitamins with suitable supplements.